Episode 51
Destination Linux EP51 – 2017 Finale & 2018 Predictions
December 25th, 2017
1 hr 52 mins 28 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
Welcome to Episode 51 of Destination Linux for 12-25-17
Merry Christmas!
Ubuntu 17.10 Temporarily Pulled Due to Bios Corruption
Ubuntu 17.10 Corrupts the BIOS of Some Lenovo Laptops, Respin ISOs Coming Soon Ubuntu.com says “The download of Ubuntu 17.10 is currently discouraged due to an issue on certain Lenovo laptops. Once fixed this download will be enabled again.”
Linux Mint 18.3 “Sylvia” KDE released!
Linux Mint 18.3 “Sylvia” Xfce released!
KDE Applications 17.12 Lands with Dolphin Enhancements, HiDPI Support for Okular
New Thunderbird Releases and New Thunderbird Staff
Canonical Makes It Easier to Install Spotify for Linux on Ubuntu, Other Distros
Linux Steam Integration 0.7.2 Released
Popular Linux Software Updates
Is there room for another Browser
CrossOver 17 Lets You Run Microsoft Office 2016
Gaming News
What have I been playing this week?
Tyranny – Story driven RPG where your choices mean all the difference in a world conquered by evil. Gorgeous graphics, in-depth RPG storyline where you’re engaged in conversations that actually matter and your responses matter. Loot is plentiful and combat is handled brilliantly with strategic battles that include a pause option to allow you to properly plan your parties attack and ability use. It’s not a casual game it’s a true RPG and requires a lot of planning and tuning of your characters abilities and powers.
Steam now has a form of platform-specific wishlisting, to help developers see demand
Indiegogo Funding And Info Signup Page
The Linux-powered Ataribox pre-order launch has been ‘officially paused’
Incredible looking story-based action platformer ‘Iconoclasts’ to release next year, for Linux too
In the Valley of Gods announced from Firewatch developer Campo Santo, confirmed to Linux
Where Can You Find Us This Week
- Rocco and Ryan will be playing Rocket League live this week on DasGeek Channel
- Big Daddy Linux Live! Will be on Saturday night on the BigDaddyLinux Channel or www.bigdaddylinux.com
Twitter @dasgeekchannel @bigdaddylinux
A big thank you to each and every one of you for supporting us and Thank you For Watching Destination Linux
Have a great week and remember the Journey ITSELF is just as important as the Destination